La odontología general se enfoca en la prevención y diagnóstico de varios problemas dentales. En este sentido, brindamos atención integral a pacientes de todas las edades, desde niños hasta adultos mayores.
Áreas de atención:
1. Tests and diagnosis
2. Dental cleaning
3. Restorative treatments
4. Treatment of gum disease
5. Dental extractions
6. Technique of tooth brushing
7. Preventive care
8. Cosmetic treatments basic
9. X-rays
In summary, the general dentistry is the foundation of dental care and are concerned about maintaining the oral health in general, addressing a variety of dental needs and providing comprehensive care to the patients.
The main goal of cosmetic dentistry is to achieve a smile harmonious, natural and attractive, while maintaining the functionality and dental health.
The key areas of focus within the dental aesthetics include:
• Teeth whitening.
• Dental veneers.
• Dental crowns aesthetic.
• Contorneo y remodelado de las encías.
• Aesthetic restorations.
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La cosmética dental es una subespecialidad dentro de la estética dental que se centra específicamente en la mejora estética de la sonrisa y los dientes. Los procedimientos cosméticos se realizan con el propósito principal de lograr una apariencia visualmente atractiva.
The pediatric dentistry is a specialized branch of dentistry that is dedicated to the oral care and dental care of children, from infancy through adolescence.
The pediatric dentistry involves a number of important aspects:
1. Preventive Care: Includes parent education on how to properly care for the teeth of children, from the daily clean-up your diet.
2. Regular Dental Exams: We do regular dental exams to detect dental problems early, such as cavities and alignment problems.
3. Treatment of Caries: When there is caries in the child, it will be deleted without pain and without the use of invasive techniques that get to stress out the child.
4. Education and Motivation: We work as a team with children and their parents to teach them the importance of oral hygiene and diet to maintain a healthy smile.
La endodoncia se enfoca en el tratamiento de los tejidos del diente, conocidos como nervio dental. Implica la eliminación de los nervios dañados, limpieza y desinfección de los conductos, y posterior sellado para preservar el diente y evitar la extracción.
We focus on taking care of your gums and the support of your teeth. Our main goal is to keep your gums healthy and avoid problems such as the loss of teeth. When you have swollen gums or problems in the bone that surrounds your teeth, we can help.
Especialidad quirúrgica encargada del tratamiento de las afecciones de los huesos y tejidos blandos faciales, como problemas de terceros molares (muelas del juicio), quistes, fracturas dentales,dientes impactados , etc que requieren cirugía.
Una prótesis dental es un aparato diseñado para reemplazar los dientes faltantes. Puede ser removible o fija y se utiliza para mejorar la función masticatoria y la apariencia estética de la boca. Las prótesis dentales pueden ser parciales o completas según cada caso.
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I want to recommend this cleaning kit, dental staff, which contains toothbrush with bristles resistant and at the same time soft and gentle to the gums. Sprinkled with gold dust to prevent the production of bacteria. Tube of toothpaste propolis, green tea extract. Brush interproximal cleaning between the teeth.
Price: $150 pesos
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With more than 25 years of experience we offer to our patients dental treatments with the highest technology, to avoid the pain.
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